Oasis Iceberg





Closed cooling tower and open tower what is not the same!

By spraying the circulating water on the PVC packing, the heat exchange is achieved through the contact between water and air, and then the fan drives the air circulation in the tower to bring out the hot air after heat exchange with water, so as to achieve cooling. This cooling method, the first phase of the investment is relatively small, but the operating cost is higher (water consumption, power consumption).

Let us understand the difference and advantages and disadvantages of closed cooling tower and open cooling tower


1. Cooling principle of open cooling tower

By spraying the circulating water on the PVC packing, the heat exchange is achieved through the contact between water and air, and then the fan drives the air circulation in the tower to bring out the hot air after heat exchange with water, so as to achieve cooling. This cooling method, the first phase of the investment is relatively small, but the operating cost is higher (water consumption, power consumption).



2. Cooling principle of closed cooling tower

Simply put, there are two cycles: an inner cycle and an outer cycle. There is no filler, and the main core part is the tube cooler.

Internal circulation: docking with the production process equipment to form a closed circulation system (the cooling medium in the tube), heat can be taken out.

② External circulation: in the cooling tower, cooling the cooling tower surface cooler. It is not in contact with the internal circulating water, but only through the column tube surface cooler in the cooling tower for heat exchange and heat dissipation.

In this cooling mode, the operation and stop of the fan and the spray pump are set according to the water temperature through automatic control.

When the ambient temperature is very low in winter, only one internal circulation is needed, and the air is directly cooled, which is equivalent to an air cooler.



3, closed cooling tower and intermediate plate replacement

In the middle of the plate change, closed cooling tower before the emergence of the general is the use of secondary water system that is set up two water loop, the middle of the plate heat exchanger, the end of the use of open cooling tower;

The closed cooling tower, with the continuous understanding and understanding of the closed cooling tower, the general tendency to use the closed cooling tower cooling method.

③Compared with the two, the method ① the system form is complicated, the circulating water pump and heat exchanger are added, and the initial investment of the system is increased. Secondly, due to the addition of the intermediate heat exchanger, the heat exchange efficiency is reduced and the operating cost is increased. In addition, the occupied area is much larger than that of Method ②.




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