Air cooler
Air-cooled heat exchanger, referred to as air-cooler, is the ambient air as a cooling medium, the fan forced air swept across the finned tube outside, so that the high temperature process medium inside the tube for cooling industrial heat exchange devices. The air cooler consists of three basic parts: tube bundle, fan and frame, and auxiliary parts such as shutter and platform ladder.
Key words:
Air cooler

Air cooler
Working Principle
► Blower type horizontal air cooler: the tube bundle is located in the exhaust side of the fan, this structure is easy to maintain and overhaul, and the fan motor is always in the ambient air, which is suitable for occasions where the temperature of the process medium is high, and it can effectively prolong the service life of the motor.
► induced draft horizontal air cooler: the tube bundle is located in the suction side of the fan, due to the air cylinder has a very good protective effect on the heat transfer finned tube, can reduce the impact of sunlight, wind, rain and snow, so that the induced draft air has a more stable heat transfer performance. At the same time it is characterized by even air volume distribution, less heat circulation and low noise.
Product Model and Parameters
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